Monday, December 27, 2010


So, for Christmas, I got something I knew would push me in the direction I need to go. My girlfriend got me P90X. Instead of taking it as an insult, I saw it as motivation. I've read the fitness manual portion of the box set, and I have to say, I'm pumped for it. I'll be doing the recommended fitness test tomorrow, and the starting the actual program on the 1st. I figure, New Year, New Me, right? I plan on also following the good guide as well as I can, to supplement the workout routine.

In addition to tracking my progress on paper and with pictures the way the program suggests, I'll also try to update here as often as possible, and attempt for a YouTube bid once a week.

It's going to rough. Can't wait.

...Damien, I expect you to kick my ass as well.

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday, I did a 4.16mi. Jog, from my place to the end of our road and back. Felt good. Today, no running.

So far today,
3x20 pushups
3x60lbs Dumbell Bicep curls (12, 12, 4)
3x25lbs Concentration curls (12, 7, 5)
3x25lbs Hammer curls, (12, 12, 12)
2 sets of 12 Curls ups
2x25lbs Overhead Tricep press. (12, 12)

Honestly, I just got bored by the end, and distracted since my girlfriend got home from work. I plan on going for a jog tomorrow, after work.

I have the evening free tomorrow, so I think I'll treat my gf to a night out.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Running, running, running.

Day 4

In keeping with the agreement, I finally got my butt up of the couch and did some exercise. I had intended to do a 7km loop, but once I started running, the 40km head wind was a little much for me. Beautiful day, just windy. As opposed to going from my place to the top of Elgin where it meets Franklin and coming back, I instead turned off at Munch, onto Sekura where my friend Lindorm lives back to Avenue and back to Elgin. I was tracking the route using the iMapMyRun app on my phone, and the loop was 5.04km to be exact.

I found this run to be a little more difficult than I remember 5km runs being when I was in school. Goes to show what happens when you fall off the exercise wagon.

Once I got in and cooled down a bit, I was running short on time before work but tried to get in a workout. I did:

4x max pushups, 70secs rest: 34, 16, 9, 9
3x shoulder shrugs, 75#, 12, 12, 12
3x overhead press, 75#, 12, 6, 12 (on this last set, i was doing more of a squat thrust maneuver. )

Grabbed a shower and some chow then headed off to work, where I am now.


I just realized I forgot to grab a protein shake. Nuts. Ah well, time for that when I get home.

I'm finding that I feel very relaxed right now, likely due to the exercise and shower. It seems to be improving my attitude towards work as well as my mood. Perhaps I should try to make this my daily habit. Not like it would be bad for me.

On a final note: as much as it irks me, I need to wear my knee brace, and get new shoes.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

All right then this works. Damien and I, having realized that were both badly out if shape lately, have challenged each other to do something with the remaining 100 days in the year. Today is day 2. Yesterday, I rode my bike six miles and today I did nothing.

I realize that sound bad, but you have to understand that I'm working two jobs ad running on little sleep each night. I might try to get a jog in tomorrow, but I'll start things in earnest on Monday. It's on, Damien.
This message was sent from a Bell mobile phone.
Post to my blog from my phone. If so, it'll make keeping up with blogging much easier.
This message was sent from a Bell mobile phone.
I simply want to see if this will work for me to
This message was sent from a Bell mobile phone.