Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 13, 2010

Ok, so today is April 14, 2010. I'm posting about yesterday.

Yesterday we did some of our final fitness testing in PhysEd. Max bench press, max chin ups, and sprints (100m).

I earned double bonus on bench press, doing 80lbs over my body weight, 240lbs. I know I could have done more, but it wouldn't earn me any further marks, so why bother? For max chin ups, I got 32 in thirty seconds, which is down five from my personal best. For sprints, I did miserable, as my shin splints prevent me from running as hard and as fast as I would like to. My time was 13.2s, down nearly a full second from my last timing of 12.6s.

Afterward, I went up to the gym for my daily routine. I decided to do biceps/triceps instead of back/shoulders. My work out was as follows:

1. Standing Bicep Curls
12x30lb, 12x30lbs, 9x30lbs

2. Concentration Curls
7x30lbs, 5x30lbs, 12x25lbs

3. Hammer Curls
12x35lbs (3 sets) ---I'll be moving up to 40lbs on this exercise next week.

4. Dips
20xBW(158lbs), 14xBW, 7xBW

5. Kickbacks
12x30lbs (2 sets) --- I'm not certain my form is as good as it could be. I'll drop the weight to 25lbs next week to concentrate on better form

6. Pushdowns
12x120lbs, 5x130lbs, 5x130lbs --- I'll stay at 130lbs on this one, to continue to build my strength.

5:30 on the recumbent stationary bike.
IO had intended to do 15 minutes on the bike and the switch to the cross-trainer and do another 15-20 minutes, but my girlfriend called to say that she was nearby to pick me up. Needless to say, I got cut short.

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