Friday, May 21, 2010

Fitness for the last three days

Wednesday, I finally got may act together, and went for a run, from my place to Main St and back, just under 4km. Two hours later, my girlfriend came home and wanted to go for a bike ride, so I jogged along side her, doing pretty much the same route, for a total of just under 9km that day.

Yesterday, my girlfriend and I went for a ride/jog out to Dam Park and back, about 3km total. I then did my pushups, same as last week, with some slightly better results.

Today, I did a 12km circuit on my bike from my place to the top of Hespeler and back down Franklin.

This is all well and good, but I need to start focusing on muscle strength again. As of Monday, I'll be trying to kick myself to bike to Conestoga so I can have access to the weights there.

As a side note, I did something to my left arm last night at work, and lifting any more than five pounds hurts. I think I'll take the weekend to recover. Should be good enough.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

I decided not to do crossfit stuff today, because it would require a lot of running in and out of my place, and just isn't conducive to where I live. Instead I did:

Perform inline push ups in alternation with decline pushups. Only half the movement should be used. When performing the inline pushups the hand should not be on the floor. They should be on two sets of books or objects 3-6 inches high. The feet should be on the chair. Only lower half of the movement should be performed. (Head touching the floor to elbows right angle. Elbows should not extend past the right angle. They should not approach the straight line.) This is very important. 40% of the total maximum per set. Decline push ups is done with feet on the floor and hands on the chair. Only the upper part of the movement. (Elbow right angle to hands straight.) 60% of maximum set. Stop when the second set fails.

This totaled out to something like 8 sets of pushups, total. I added in some ab work,

2x30 crunches
2x12 leg raises
2x20 V's

I did a couple sets of squats, with about 80lbs, since that's all I have.

This Week's fitness stuff

So, holy crap of all crap! I can run again! I bought a new pair of shoes on Tuesday, and went for a brief 3km jog, and holy crap, no pain! I'm very happy about that indeed. Haven't gone running again since, but I plan on doing so today, and again tomorrow.

After that jog, I did some crossfit stuff, scaled down. It was:

5 rounds of:
5 handstand pushups
20 squat cleans, 25#/hand
5 L pull-ups

This was rough for me. I used to be able to do 10 handstand pushups... now i can do three, so I subbed the handstands with shoulder press, 25#/hand after the first set. My time was 13:31. As always, my goal is to do better next time.

Then yesterday, I did some of my pushups work out stuff. Start with a maximum set. Rest 110 seconds. Next set should be 90% of the max, with 100 seconds rest. Next set should be 80% of the max with 90 seconds rest. Every set deduct 10% and 10 seconds of rest.

This equaled out to some 200 pushups. Fun. My chest hurts today. No biggie. I'll post the rest of my stuff for today later on.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 4th,2010

Yesterday, I decided to do some serious exercising. I did the scaled "Workout of the Day" from The workout is named Barbara, as Cross Fit has taken to naming their workouts after soldier who have lost their lives in Afghanistan. I did "Barbara Lite", which consisted of:

Five rounds for time, with three minutes rest between, of:
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Squats

my times ended up looking like:


That's a total of 15:01. Including rest: 27:01. This workout kicked my ass. The sit-ups were, by far, the most difficult part for me. My ab strength is significantly lower than what I would like. I'll have to work on that.

I'm supposed to go to kickboxing tonight at 7, but legs are killing me from all the squats, and I don't think I'll be much use. Tomorrow.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Well, I'm trying to keep myself on track with this whole fitness thing, which used to be much easier. I did very little today. I did four sets of max pushups with 60 seconds rest in between. It ended up looking like:

41, 19, 14, 14, for a total of 88 pushups.

I had planned on going for a run this evening, with Meghan biking along beside me. We didn't get around to it until after 9pm, at which point we discovered that my bike has a flat. Which is weird, because it was fine the last time I went for a ride three days ago. I'll have to replace the tube, which is giant pain in the ass. This is even more frustrating, because I had planned on biking to the college three days a week to go to the gym. Now, I'll have to convince Meghan to let me take the car.

Anyway, given the frustrations of finding my bike crippled, we didn't go for a jog. Tomorrow morning before my Dentist appointment, for sure. Maybe I'll do some crossfit stuff tomorrow too. Wednesday, back to kickboxing.