Friday, May 21, 2010

Fitness for the last three days

Wednesday, I finally got may act together, and went for a run, from my place to Main St and back, just under 4km. Two hours later, my girlfriend came home and wanted to go for a bike ride, so I jogged along side her, doing pretty much the same route, for a total of just under 9km that day.

Yesterday, my girlfriend and I went for a ride/jog out to Dam Park and back, about 3km total. I then did my pushups, same as last week, with some slightly better results.

Today, I did a 12km circuit on my bike from my place to the top of Hespeler and back down Franklin.

This is all well and good, but I need to start focusing on muscle strength again. As of Monday, I'll be trying to kick myself to bike to Conestoga so I can have access to the weights there.

As a side note, I did something to my left arm last night at work, and lifting any more than five pounds hurts. I think I'll take the weekend to recover. Should be good enough.

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